Sitemap - 2022 -

A Message for the New Year...

Vaxx Update: WARNING ⚠️ - We're being set-up for the next round of 'Pandemic' by the effing CCP/ WEF/Khazarian Mafia. Don't fall for it! "Fool me twice, shame on me!"

Vaxx Update: Will the truth regarding the dark underbelly of C-19 "vaccines" being "safe and effective" EVER come out? The forces against revealing the truth are formidable and threatening.

Vaxx Update: Too much going-on to not report. Are "cracks" beginning to show in the 'official' C-19 "vaccine" narrative? Maybe, I sure hope so; it's WAY overdue. Yet I remain unconvinced...

Christmas Update: Some thoughts about "being a light" for others in a very dark world.

Global Update: A cross section of concerning news items from here in America and elsewhere that demonstrate just how deep we are in the grip of some VERY dark and demonic forces.

Vaxx Update: What psychological effects are being caused by the Spike Protein and COVID-19 pandemic?

Vaxx Update: Whose data to believe re: C-19 “vaccine” effectiveness and safety? The liquified crap ‘official narrative’ still pouring out of clearly coopted sources… OR alternative media stories?

Vaxx Update: The Spike Protein (bio weapon) is the real culprit; we're only beginning to see some of its long-term and durable effects. The mRNA "vaccines" instruct your body to make Spike Proteins.

Global Update: Frankly, there's a big mess in most places. Are we in the Biblical "End Times" just yet? I don't believe so. However, I DO believe we are CLEARLY in a period of Biblical "Judgment."

Vaxx Update: The depth of the deception is profound, pervasive... and obvious. If only 10% of what I share here is "accurate"... there should be massive outrage. Yet there isn't. C-19 Fatigue?

Vaxx Update: More disparate (and dismal) news items regarding the growing reports of adverse effects and deaths due to the C-19 "vaccination" and booster roll-out...

Vaxx Update: Is "vaccinated" blood safe to give to the un-Vaxxed? Apparently not... with tragic consequences. The Spike Protein "factory" instructions in the mRNA come across with the donated blood.

Vaxx Update: The suppression of adverse event data continues. Did you know the U.S. DoD controls the C-19 "vaccine" manufacturing process to keep batch numbers 'secret?' Why?

Vaxx Update: More news about the C-19 "quackcines" and the damage they are causing. Any hope for the 'fatally ignorant' folks who continue to believe the Big Lie?

Vaxx Update: And the 'Hit Parade' (literally) just keeps coming. Will there be a mass wake-up? I'm not so sure; I'm resigned and cynical at this juncture. A very dark perpetration and mass deception.

Vaxx Update: With high-profile folks getting serious illnesses and/or experiencing "sudden death", you'd think inquiring minds in the MSM would start asking questions, yet no... all co-opted.

Global Update: News items from around the world. There's a lot going-on folks. It's not random... it's purposeful. And all of us are the targets unless you happen to currently be a "global elite."

Vaxx Update: If you read the alternative news stories about the adverse effects and sudden deaths caused by the "Jab", you'd realize there's a massive funeral cortege each day around the world.

Vaxx Update: Block & tackle. Resolutely moving down the public battlefield sharing the truth relative to the 'official narrative' that the C-19 Vaxx & boosters are "safe, effective, and necessary."

America Update: Instructive yet revolting news items about the United States as we watch her wheels come-off before our very eyes. We don't have "leadership" anymore; we have reprobates running things

Vaxx Update: Further tales of woe related to the C-19 "vaccine" and booster program. If these warnings sound like a broken record... they are. The evidence of adverse effects and deaths mount.

Vaxx Update: The global C-19 "vaccine" crime wave continues. More screws are turning and will be turned. The globalists goal? To create a panoptic prison where your life is controlled.

Vaxx Update: The 'Road to Ruin' continues unabated for many... particularly those who've taken multiple "Jabs" and boosters. And their health challenges affect us ALL ultimately in incalculable ways.

Vaxx Update: Was COVID-19 "predicted" back in 1956? The attached brief news reel clip, if legitimate, would seem to do so. Certainly the "globalists" have been working their plans for decades. Hmm?

Vaxx Facts Resources: The Vaxx Updates are "pushing" the limits of length for Substack, so I'm making the Resources section its own ongoing linked site. Note: I do ADD new resources, as needed.

Vaxx Update: How can anyone in their right mind 'square' the differences between the "official C-19 vaccine & booster rollout narrative" with the mounting negative evidence attached below?

Vaxx Update: When, if ever, will the official narrative about the C-19 'vaccine' being "safe, effective, and necessary" ever fall apart?

Vaxx Update: What's been hidden is coming into view... it doesn't seem to make much difference with the general public being able to discern the net of lies they are living in, except maybe in China??

Vaxx Update: And the beat goes on. More massive tales of corruption and repression. It's truly "ungodly!"

Vaxx Update: The globalists WILL NOT give-up; you can count on the suppression of the truth about C-19 "vaccine" adverse effects & deaths to continue... as well as the repression of your rights.

Vaxx Update: And the beat goes on... stories and studies regarding the C-19 "vaccine" adverse effects and deaths keep piling-up, yet no massive wake-up to the scam.

Editor's Note: Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers. Enjoy your time and fine meal with your family and friends while you can. The next 30 days (and few months) will likely be an 'e-Ticket' ride...

America Update: It ain't pretty. The "controlled demotion" of our country continues unabated... as does the financial 'strip-mining' of the Middle Class. It's conscious treason. Put your seat-belts on

Vaxx Update: Have we all been "defrauded" by the COVID-19 Pandemic? Were Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) involved? It's sure beginning to look that way...

Vaxx Update: 'Crossing the Rubicon...' Can the juggernaut of COVID-19 "vaccines" and boosters be stopped?

Global Update: A "buffet line" of bad news, threats, and crises. All real. Yeah, I know, no rational person would follow all this UNLESS they want to understand the pattern of attacks headed their way

Vaxx Update: The (not so) subtle threats, coercion, and manipulations predictably continue.

Vaxx Update: The “smoke and mirrors” being used here by Big Pharma, the medical profession, and the government are breathtaking in scope and morally unforgivable.

Vaxx Update: A mash-up of further articles evidencing the adverse effects and deaths relating to C-19 and its companion "vaccine."

Vaxx Update: The next pandemic. Get ready. Prepare yourselves; it will take a lot of courage to stand your ground against the coming medical tyranny almost everyone complied with the first time around

Vaxx Update: More stark news about the lies surrounding the safety and efficacy of the C-19 "vaccine" and booster rollout. What a crock!

Vaxx Update: At this juncture in what we know about the C-19 adverse effects and deaths, do the Vaxx 'refuseniks' and 'truth-tellers' deserve praise or oppobrium? You choose...

Vaxx Update: Despite mounting evidence against the C-19 "vaccine" and boosters being "safe and effective", the forward march to illness and death continues.

America Update: Here's a mash-up of various articles and news bits that are, IMO, significant signposts that we are headed into very dangerous and troubled waters in the U.S.

Vaxx Update: Lies and disinformation along the way regarding the C-19 "vaccine" and booster rollout... and the adverse effects and deaths that follow.

Vaxx Update: The 'full-court press' for ever-wider (and younger) C-19 "vaccine" distribution continues in spite of the now certain risk of serious adverse events and deaths. WHY??

Global Update: A mash-up of articles regarding geopolitical idiocies and perpetrations from around-the-world. Just a quick scan and you'll get the point.

Vaxx Update: More evidence of the knowing "Conveyor Belt of Corruption" that powers the C-19 'vaccine' rollout... and the coverup of its real downstream effects.

Vaxx Update: From infection to injection... the C-19 "vaccine" rollout continues. And the Adverse effects and deaths cover-up continues.

Vaxx Update: There's a 'gathering storm' of C-19 "vaccine" adverse effects and deaths evidence. When will it breakthrough to public knowledge and acceptance?

Vaxx Update: Self-assembling elements in the C-19 "vaccine?" Proof of the government tracking COVID decree "violators?"

Vaxx Update: "Gain of Function" Studies Continue... Why? A proven bio weapon and deadly "vaccine" are already loosed upon us.

Vaxx Update: Even one of the principal inventors behind the development of the Pfizer (BioNTech) C-19 "vaccine" admits not taking it. Will the "Jabbed" ever figure out their bodies have been hijacked?

Ukraine Update: Sad to say, it's almost a certainty that a broader war (think WW III on-ramp) is now "baked into" the US, EU, and NATO's intention to confront Putin's Russia.

Vaxx Update: A slumgullion of articles documenting the C-19 "vaccine" adverse effects death march. And we're including a video regarding the new, deadly Boston gain-of-function virus results.

Vaxx Update: The government continues to recommend the C-19 "vaccine" in the face of a suppressed (and gathering) storm of adverse side-effects and statistically aberrant and unexplained death rates.

Vaxx Update: The lies and obfuscation regarding the safety and efficacy of the C-19 "vaccine" continue... so does the road to oblivion for those who fail to pay attention.

Vaxx Update: For the next ten (10) days, you can watch The Real Anthony Fauci movie free of charge here... get educated!

Vaxx Update: A new strain of COVID-19 that has an 80% kill rate in humanized mice?? Yup... That and more scattered facts about the deaths and ills caused by the C-19 "vaccine."

America Update: What a pickle we are in... and it's ALL deliberate folks. FJB's ostensible ineptness is actually being controlled by Obama and Deep State interests to bring down our country. Get it?

Vaxx Update: Pfizer avoids answering a lot of the EU Parliament's questions... and they hold a Press Conference. How about we have some indictments and public trials?

Vaxx Update: What's the REAL story about SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)? What are funeral directors and embalmers having to say from their 'front row seats' as folks die from the C-19 "vaccine."

Vaxx Update: The concerted effort by the 'Powers That Be' to ongoingly suppress the truth regarding the death and injuries left in the wake of the C-19 "vaccine" rollout is simply breathtaking...

Vaxx Update: Proof attached the truth about the deleterious affects of the C-19 "vaccine" rollout is actively being censored and suppressed (thanks to co-researcher Gabi).

Ukraine Update: My May 4, 2022 video podcast, plus links to articles...

Vaxx Update: Not only is it becoming quite obvious the C-19 "vaccine" is deadly and/or dangerous... the "big boys" knew ALL along.

Vaxx Update: When will the growing storm of alternative news regarding the deaths and dangers caused by the C-19 "vaccine" program rollout be sufficient to break into the Mainstream News narrative?

Vaxx Update: Are more "engineered pandemics" headed our way? Given the fact that bio-weapons research continues unabated, it's almost a certainty.

Vaxx Update: Has the C-19 "vaccine" rollout program turned into a 'holocaust' for deaths, adverse reactions, and ill health? It would appear so...

Vaxx Update: The "doom loop" of COVID-19 'variants', proffered boosters, and the coming plethora of mRNA-based "vaccines" for ALL MANNER of health issues.

Vaxx Update: Yet more broad evidence the C-19 "vaccine" rollout is a massive and fraudulent perpetration.

Vaxx Update: Are we watching 'A Ship of Fools' play out? It would appear so for many...

Vaxx Update: More news items from the 'killing fields' of the C-19 "vaccine program." It's hard to imagine so few REALLY get what's going-on here...

Vaxx Update: Lies, Damnable Lies, and now "Vaccine" Lies... more compelling news from the C-19 Vaxx 'Killing Fields'

Vaxx Update: More woes with the C-19 "vaccine" rollout... and emerging admissions that adverse reaction data was known about and suppressed because it didn't fit the "official narrative."

Vaxx Update: Only the most willfully ignorant folks on planet Earth can continue to ignore the mounting evidence of death and disability left in the wake of the C-19 "vaccine" rollout. Self-damning...

Vaxx Update: It's mind boggling HOW the Mainstream Media utterly avoids reporting on any of these topics... as the REAL C-19 "vaccine" death and adverse reaction news piles-up.

Vaxx Update: The C-19 "vaccine"/booster noose tightens. As predicted, the official narrative begins to tout (may ultimately require) quarterly boosters.

Vaxx Update: Is there a new fatal lung disease headed our way that could possibly 'wipe-out' those whose immune systems are C-19 "vaccine" compromised?

Vaxx Update: More tales of woe caused by the C-19 "vaccine" rollout and it's fraudulent reporting of the resulting deaths and adverse events. Pure suppressed REALITY in support of a global scam.

Vaxx Update: More compelling news items regarding the C-19 Vaxx 'death march.' It's mind-boggling how NONE of the adverse event stories below is covered by the Mainstream Media.

Vaxx Update: VERY disturbing article attached that clearly implicates the Democratic National Committee partnering with Deep State interests to design and release bio weapons for political purposes.

Vaxx Update: More tales from the "Conveyor Belt of Corruption" that IS the C-19 "vaccine" scheme.

Vaxx Update: Confirmation of more bad things happening in the C-19 “vaccine” killing fields…

Genetic Engineering Update: This is a complex and challenging topic to cover. Here are some high-level overview type news items and articles for background purposes.

Vaxx Update: Further odd tales from the C-19 "vaccine" killing fields

Vaxx Update: More tales of ‘Malice in Blunderland’ regarding the C-19 “vaccine”…

Monkeypox Update: What's the REAL backstory with this "new" potential pandemic?

Vaxx Update: More suppressed news and trickery from the C-19 'killing fields.'

America Update: If the U.S. continues its fall under assault from the Marxist 'Progressive-Left', it's "all over" for us and the rest of Western Societies... you can count on it.

Vaxx Update: Are the C-19 Vaxx 'killing fields' part of a mass depopulation plot?

Monkeypox Update: Fool's Gold from the Globalists being prepped as the latest 'fear porn' pandemic to control and dominate a compliant dumb-ass public.

Vaxx Update: More tales from the 'killing fields' of the C-19 "vaccine" rollout and mandates.

Taiwan Update: Here's the underlying REAL compelling reason WHY the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) must ultimately "takeover" Taiwan.

Vaxx Update: Is all this by accident or by design? Here are some interesting points of view regarding the C-19 pandemic and the Vaxx "solution" and mandates.

Vaxx Update: More shocking news about adverse events (and deaths) from the C-19 "vaccine." It really has created a global 'killing field.'

Global Update: ALL current crises (Vaxx, financial, food, inflation, gun control, illegal aliens, elections, supply chain, climate change, war, Taiwan etc.) are coming from the same globalist elites.

Vaxx Update: The goal is to destroy/subvert your innate immune system and, if you survive that process, make you "dependent" on quarterly boosters that'll give you 'protection' for what ever is loose.

Vaxx Update: Is the "dam breaking" yet? I'm not so sure, however, the C-19 deaths and adverse events reports are piling-up like firewood before a long winter.

Vaxx Update: More factual tales from the C-19 ‘Killing Fields’ you won’t hear about from the MSM. Plus some further info regarding Monkeypox.

General Update: Reminders of the evil idiocies we are ALL being subjected to by mostly utterly corrupt leaders… everywhere.

Vaxx Update: The 'death march' for the jabbed continues... as does it's cover-up. I wonder when the tipping point will come? More (bad) news from the Vaxx killing fields.

Vaxx Update: The "killing fields" of the C-19 vaccinated folks continue (to be covered-up). I wonder how long before suppression of the real death count and adverse events numbers becomes obvious?

General Update: Strife, corruption, and idiocy EVERYWHERE. Hmmm... surely these are ALL just misfortune and bad timing? No global conspiracy here folks; keep moving.

America Update: All is NOT good here at home. Here's a smattering of articles that matter; PAY ATTENTION to their implications and WAKE THE HELL UP! America.. a perpetrated "controlled demolition.

Ukraine Update: FJB (Biden) and his asshole globalist cronies in NATO and the EU are ABSOLUTELY pushing for an expanded war with Putin and Russia. How insane is that? WHY? What’s the core reason?

Vaxx Update: Brace for impact - the effing bastards behind C-19 (and now "Monkeypox") are ramping up the propaganda and control mechanisms for an early fall repeat "outbreak." Mark my words...

Vaxx Update: The real truth about the vaxx program (and deaths) continues to leak-out here and there. When will it be sufficient to wake you the hell up?

Vaxx Update: Here's a 'buffet line' of articles regarding more negative C-19 Pandemic and "vaccine" news. You are NOT getting these informative stories anywhere in the MSM.

Biden's America Update: A reality check - few rational folks would argue many things have turned to crap here in America. Is all this by "accident"... or by design? You choose.

Vaxx Update: The COVID-19 "pandemic" was, in fact, the direct cause of Trump losing the White House. And now the Vaxxed will also lose in terms of their health, disabilities, and/or deaths.

Vaxx Update: Even more bad news; no seeming "light at the end of the tunnel." It's astounding how the Vaxx facts are evolving, yet very few see them and almost no one publicly raises hell about it...

Ukraine Update: Stories and POV's showing what's REALLY going-on with the Russia's "special military operation (aka war). Most dumb-ass Americans simply swill the daily MSM crap and lies about it.

Vaxx Update: More disturbing articles from the field regarding the COVID-1 "vaccine" rollout. It's pretty disturbing that none of these stories worthy of journalistic pursuit is EVER done by the MSM.

Vaxx Update: "Airmageddon" - How vaccine mandates are the REAL reason behind much of today's airline travel delays, cancellations, and mess. Why no MSM coverage? It's the Vaxx, stupid!

Vaxx Update: The deception continues. Here are some articles of interest you are unlikely to see or hear about from ANY traditional news source. No, I'm NOT a 'conspiracy theorist.' Yawn...

Geopolitical Update: A lot of crazy, seemingly random things going on in many places at the moment. Random 'events'... or "by design?" What do you think?

Vaxx Update: Don't know about you, but I feel we're being set-up now for a late summer new "wave" of C-19 and a return of repressive mandates. More deadly Vaxx and globalist news items.

Vaxx Update: As the adverse reactions and death counts rise, it's AMAZING that virtually none of these vaxx-related news items EVER hits the Mainstream Media? Talk about controlled "propaganda"...

Economic Update: Not any good news here either, however, these are things worth watching. The globalists' plan to force a "Reset" requires collapsing key industries and economies. Pay attention!

Vaxx Update: Back to Basics. An overview of how the world's major (dominant) COVID-19 "vaccines" work.

Vaxx Update: More assorted articles regarding the C-19 "vaccine" roll-out and its overall health implications.

Vaxx Update: We're being told another Covid 'wave' is coming in the fall, so we need to get vaxxed or boosted. Meanwhile, the adverse effects "death march" continues. YOU choose!

Ukraine War Update: It's beyond obvious now Biden and NATO intend to keep propping-up Ukraine and pressing its membership ever-onward to Russia's western borders. It's INSANE!

Vaxx Update: It would appear "the Powers That Be" are beginning to realize the gathering storm of adverse effects reports. The back-pedaling and cover-ups have already begun. More distractions likely.

Vaxx Update: More news from the C-19 "vaccine" battlefield... plus "This Is Our Hill To Die On" - Dr. Zev Zelenko's Final Message To The World.

Vaxx Update: Please watch (4:14). Babies as young as six months old can now get the experimental gene-therapy nano-tech injection. Here's the music video of the new hit, "Vaxx in the Cradle."

Vaxx Update: More obvious articles and data points about the 'dark side' of C-19 "vaccinations." Big Pharma's major con with Vaxx 'batch numbers' so back-tracing adverse effects becomes impossible.

Vaxx Update: More bad news... and early indicators of a Vaxx batch "cover-up" in progress.

Vaxx Update: More concerning data points and "bellwethers" regarding the dangers of the push to get vaccinated... And, if you ARE Vaxxed, how to determine how "bad" a batch you were given...

Vaxx Update: Why are we forcing our National Guard to get "vaxxed?" Some will certainly leave rather than take "the jab." This and other stories of interest...

Vaxx Update: With this ongoing "parade" of adverse effects news and death counts, how could ANY rational person take the "jab"... much less give it to the children? Simply suicidal...

Vaxx Update; Here are some VERY informative articles about the emerging risks and dangers of the mRNA "vaccine" program.

Special Ukraine War Update: Highly-informative articles and video to share to quickly get you "up-to-speed" about the REAL story in Ukraine and, more importantly, what's at stake and WHY?

Vaxx Update: More news about the increasingly obvious dangers of the COVID-19 "vaccines." Only a special moron would get their child vaxxed given the substantial death and injury adverse reactions.

Vaxx Update: The competing narratives here between the official "safe and effective" and the ever greater real-world evidence of "death and severe injury" from the C-19 "vaccine" rollout is stunning!

Vaxx Update: A mix of articles regarding the ongoing insanity of the COVID-19 "vaccine" roll-out.

Special Report: Are the COVID-19 virus, pandemic, and subsequent vaccine roll-out program ALL part of a "global depopulation scheme?" Yeah, yeah... I'm just a 'conspiracy theorist'; check these out...

Vaxx Update: More "news" regarding the adverse effects of the COVID-19 "vaccines." It absolutely blows me away how almost NONE of these stories ever gets Mainstream Media coverage. No conspiracy?

Ukraine War Update: Biden Administration and NATO "pushing" for direct confrontation with Russia (leading to likely nuclear war). Nothing like a war to distract from moronic leadership at home.

Vaxx Update: Articles of interest relative to the fast-moving planetary genetic perpetration going-on around us...

Special Report: Here's the latest in a written, updated "protocol" for self-treatment for those who have been Vaxxed and/or those suffering from "Long COVID." These suggestions MAY save your life...

Vaxx Update: The FDA approves the Vaxx for young children. A pure, co-opted, crap decision!

Vaxx Update: It seems there are two parallel narratives operating here. The FDA "safe & effective" version just approved the Vaxx for young children... and the mounting, irrefutable adverse effects.

Economic Update: Absolutely bizarre things going-on around the world... any one of which may be a "so what." Taken together, it looks like an 'earthquake' is coming soon to reorder the global economy.

Vaxx Update: It appears there's no end to alternative news regarding MAJOR issues surrounding the C-19 "vaccines" and their ubiquitous roll-out.

Vaxx Update: The adverse effects evidence keeps piling-up and Big Pharma and Government are way slow to admit any serious issues. And now they've "approved" the Vaxx injections for young children?

Vaxx Update: Here are some of the latest news bits. (And I hope you are ALL smart enough to know NOT to give ANY C-19 Vaxx to your children or grandchildren.)

Globalism: Some summary articles proving its existence... it's NOT just some "conspiracy theory." (How worn-out and inaccurate that phrase has become...)

Eschatology: What's that? We're about to find out...

Food Supply Update: Talk about an "engineered crisis!" Summary articles that'll make it crystal clear a food supply and distribution problem is already "baked-in." I see NO way to avert a crisis.

General Update: Mixed articles of global importance. A lot of bad things "brewing."

Editor's Update: We just hit 500 subscribers this morning. Thank you ALL for reading and sharing!

Vaxx Update: Some further articles concerning the actual and REAL mortality rate in a post-Vaxx era. It's quite concerning and the public is being chronically lied to...

Vaxx Update: A variety of instructive news regarding C-19 and Vaxx issues.

Vaxx Update: It's amazing how well the MSM avoids/hides these various alternative news stories that'd normally lead one to seriously question the Vaxx rollout and it's obvious massive health issues.

Vaxx Update: The next Vaxx scam - the new 'Novavax' C-19 "vaccine" being touted as a safe alternative for those who are mRNA-based vaccine hesitant. Horse crap-don't be sold yet another bill of goods.

COVID Update: The studies emerging now simply show likely devastating adverse effect(s) for many of the "vaxxed." Given the different batches, it's a bit like Russian Roulette.

Current Events Update: Important articles across a range of topics.

New World Order Update: Yes... there really IS a movement to create 'A New World Order.'

Ukraine Update: A compendium of miscellaneous articles. The risk of a WW III is still very real with idiot Biden and a co-opted NATO alliance. What a bunch of imperious bozos.

Vaxx Update: Two (2) important videos to watch. Pay attention; YOUR life is on the line...

Electricity Update: When will the dumb-ass citizens of America finally wake-up and REALIZE their lives, safety, and health are being VASTLY affected by "engineered" perpetrations?

General Update: Important articles on several topics... news and perspectives you're unlikely to get elsewhere.

General Update: Multiple articles on various major topics.

Vaxx Update: A compendium of important articles to read. There's SO much going-on every day, it's impossible to track it all. However, these are all important reads.

Personal Update: I’m on a long weekend break. More news to come shortly... Some great recipes in PDF file format are also attached.

Superb Vaxx Essay - What We Learned from Hating the Un-Vaccinated

A 'Planned' Pandemic? / A short video clip of Bill Gates 'waxing' about pandemics. What's with the grin? (1:49)

Vaxx Update Video: Dr. Robert Malone on School Vaxx Mandates, Further Emerging Adverse Effects, 'Totalitarian' Public Health Agencies, Loss of U.S. Sovereignty to World Health Organization (WHO)

COVID-19 Source: A referral to SubStack's Igor Chudov. "Sars-Cov-2 was Lab Made Under Project DEFUSE"

Vaxx Effects Update Video: COVID-19 Vaxx Causing Extreme Disease. Important View (thanks to Paul for referring this video)

Special Report: The Globalists are now pivoting our attention to the NEXT 'engineered' Pandemic, "Monkeypox." These F-ing Bastards will simply NOT give-up control; it's New World Order or our deaths!

Action Step: Regarding Loss of U.S. Sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Special Report: International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research - Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines

Vaxx Update: Cobalt-60 dirty bombs, along with mRNA vaccine suppression of the chromosomal repair mechanism, could unleash a Cancer Death Wave across America... and vaccine-compliant nations.

Sovereignty Crisis Update: WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is A Clear and Present Threat to Democracy

Special Video Share: "Titanic America", truer words were never spoken about where we are today. A sobering litany of what's wrong in America and how it's killing our country.

Referral to Igor Chudov's Article Regarding Vaccine Variants Being a Doomed and Dangerous Concept.

C-19 Update: COVID-19 itself, the underlying disease, and/or the Vaxx may cause SERIOUS neurological symptoms and brain complications.

Book Review: An insightful (and scary) look at Bill Gates' new book. "In the morning, however, you realize he's one of the world’s richest men and he is pulling the strings of many of the world."

Vaxx Survey: This survey is from fellow blogger, Steve Kirsch. Please respond, if possible…


Special Vaxx Inquiry: Are some of the "Vaxxed" actually transmitting data from their bodies? Here's some information re MAC (Media Access Control) tech and its possible inclusion in Vaxxes.

Special Video Report: A 22 minute video interview with Dr. Henry Kissinger about Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the specter of nuclear war.

Vaxx Report: The COVID-19 "vaccines" have been nicknamed 'The Clot Shots' for a reason, here's WHY...

Health Alert: Huge breakthrough discovery regarding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and infant mortality…

Vaxx Update: Crimes Against Humanity - An hour-long interview with German financial fraud attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. "They are using health as the 'crow bar' to push through THEIR agenda."

Special Report: The 'engineered' diesel fuel crisis and its certain impacts. Refined petroleum products fall to critically low levels; refineries prove unable to keep up with surging demand.

Special Report: Reasons WHY the U.S and NATO should stop goading Russia into a broader war due to the Ukraine conflict

Vaxx Euro Update: 44,348 Dead 4,279,200 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions... as more Pfizer Fraud is Uncovered

Further Special Report Share Re: What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty. [This is an outrage and simply a back-door 'Trojan Horse' vehicle to having "One World Government" imposed.]

Special Report - Michele Bachmann: WHO Vote Threatens U.S. Sovereignty [Video], National Sovereignty Set to Go Down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly...

Vaxx Update: mRNA in kids & teens, Vaxx causing lost pregnancies, Hepatitis in kids from Vaxx, Prudential ends their "Jab" mandate, Vaxx Death & Adverse Reactions report

Special: An off-topics "feel good" story...

Superb Essay: Reality vs. Illusion. People have been Robbed of their Ability to “Decipher between Fact and Fiction”

Special Referral: Here's a link to the full-length version of Dinesh D’Souza's new documentary, "2000 Mules." (90 minutes) It's an intense look at Election Fraud in 2020.

Special Composite Report: Is World War III Really a Possibility?

Tyranny Update-Settling Wreckage from the Past, The 'Subversion Process', CDC Used Cell Phone Data to Track Vaxx & Lockdown Compliance, Biden's Wicked Witch, PayPal now SEIZING Alt. Media accounts

Stunning Vaxx Effects on Children, Vaxx Reactions 40X Those Reported, India's Supreme Court Rules Against Vaxx Mandates, "Self-Spreading" Vaccines?, Vaxx Mom Breastfeeding Causes Liver Damage in Kids

Important Request from the Editor, please read and respond

When Government Plays GOD, Chinese Fleet Seen Barreling Towards U.S. Naval Base, Rand Paul Grills DHS Head Re: ‘Ministry Of Truth’, Trading Freedom for Security Illusion, Food Supply Shutdown

CIA Provides Ukraine With Real-Time Intelligence, Kiev's Fake News, Pentagon & US firms involved in Ukrainian military Bio-Labs, NATO: Take Putin’s Ukraine Warnings Seriously, Lavrov’s TV Interview

Terrorists Walk Freely in US After Biden's Afghanistan Pullout, Vaxx Clots Cause Treatment Boom, Wuhan lab orders U.S. partner to destroy evidence, Putin's Cancer Surgery, Reptilians in the Bible

U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War (Yup), Russia Talks of "Nukes" (Yup), New 'Phoenix Ghost' Drones Headed to Ukraine, U.S. Training Ukrainian Soldiers in Germany, A Clash of Christianities... (Yup!)

ESSAY: Yoichi Shimatsu - ’The Lord of the Rings' and Russia's War on the Orks of Ukraine

Biden's Disinfo 'Dominatrix', Food Pricing Unrest, Goya Foods CEO: Food Supply Chain Collapse?, Germany: Dramatic Rise in Heart & Stroke Issues, Why Russia MUST Neutralize Ukraine, Deagle DePOP Charts

Real... NOT Rare (Vaxx Injuries), Mark Steyn: Shocking Truths re Boosters, 'Climate Change' & Next Pandemic?, Hepatitis in Children Now? (Vaxx related), Mayors Dropping Dead, Liver Issues Surging

Fauci: CDC's ABOVE THE LAW (pharma tyranny?), Lying M.D., Twitter Staff Freaks-Out, Hunter's Noose, Did DoD Spy On Trump Campaign?, MS Bans Vaxx Mandates

Engineered 'Food Famine', The Great Game Morphs Into Great Reset, U.S. Admits Goal in Ukraine: Create Quagmire for Russia (and likely WW III), Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV

Demonic "Creature" Exits Vaxx Victim, Vaxx Cardiac Risk Up to 120X , 'Big Brother' Arrives for 73 Million Nigerians, BA.2 Omicron - C-19's New Wave?, Clif High on WEF & Other Topics

HHS Secty Admits Vaxx Kills Minorities @ Twice The Rate of Whites, Troubling Data Trends in the Vaxxed, Dr. Ryan Cole: Immunity Depletion & WHO Treaty, Vaxxes & the Brain-Blood Barrier, Food Crisis...

Special: Nazi DNA of American Deep State is the Ancestral Origin of Ukraine, Journalist Lara Logan Repeats the Verboten Truth of the Azov Battalion and the Occult Eternal Reich

How mRNA Vaxx Harms Immune Response, Vaxxes Won't Work - SARS-CoV-2 Also Enters Bacteria, Pfizer Vaxx Shedding - Menstrual Cycle Issues/Miscarriages, TRUE Agenda for COVID-19, Food Supply Destruction

Special Release: eBook and PDF versions of the book 'New World Order' by A. Ralph Epperson

Free Speech Under Massive Attack, An Engineered 'Food Crisis', Russia: "US Doesn't Want Peace" (I agree), Video Proof: Biden Is a Disposable Puppet President (Duh!)

OZ Government Blatantly Violates Bio-Ethics, Chart: Sweden's Death Toll 1749 to 2021, Lavrov on 'Why?' Russia Moved on Ukraine (Pay Attention: Truth Here), FDA Blocking Pfizer Vaxx Adverse Events

Musk 0n Synthetic mRNA & DNA, Modifying the Human Microbiome, Just Released Study PROVES Vaxx Myocarditis Risk, Aging Clocks, A Possible Cyborg Future for Us??

Russia: ‘New Forms of Warfare’ (Tesla Death Ray?), Biden Ignores Russia's Ambassador, Twitter's 'Poison Pill', and Re-Thinking 3 Meals-A-Day (immune system benefits?)

Special Update: Comedian Gilbert Gottfried told everyone vaccination was a matter of life and death. He was right. He died...

Special Update: Bob Snow, the commercial Airline Pilot who just suffered a cardiac arrest (he coded) on the flight deck, speaks out about his forced Vaxx (his Flight Director told him "Jab or Job!")

FERTILIZER shipments halted during spring planting (engineered food shortage?), U.K.'s Heart Failure referrals jump, Venom-Based Clinical Use Drugs, CDC Covid Death Totals to Date, Pfizer's Paxlovid

'We Are at War Right Now', World Should ‘Get Ready’ for Nuclear War, Sinking of warship Moskva, Biden's Mask Mandate Struck Down

DEPOPULATION CONFIRMED: Ever since Covid-19 vaccines were introduced, U.S. population growth has plummeted...

Vaxxed Pilot's Heart Stops in Cockpit Minutes After Landing - An American Airlines Flight

Plague and Typhus: What Have American Scientists Been Up to in Ukraine’s Bio-Labs?

Spot On... It appears that the West doesn’t want peace in Ukraine

An Informative Look at the The Ancient Origins of the Easter Bunny...

Shanghai descends into hellscape as COVID-19 lockdown triggers martial law, arrests and suicides

Fully vaccinated Australia now seeing massive rise in "unexplained heart attacks"...

Since 'geopolitics' is frequently (and often heavily) informed by religion, I thought this Easter I'd share some essays about Abraham.

U.K. C-19/Vaxx Death Data, 'Lost' Bill Gates Video Clip, Aussie Gov't. OK's Vaxxing Sedated Patients WITHOUT Their Permission, and lastly, an in-depth video analysis of the Bangladesh Masking Study...

The Final Pandemic Betrayal (What this Atlantic piece doesn't say is that this pandemic was a "engineered event.")

Wireless radiation from mobile devices causing REAL HARM to people...

Abolish the FBI or face an American Putin (I could not agree more; the FBI is throughly corrupted... top-down. If they came to my door, I wouldn't even agree to speak with them. House-cleaning time!)

The 'Next' Great Pandemic, Pentagon plans for next pandemic, Massachusetts Vaxx Death Data (mind-blowing), Fauci: 'Use Lock-downs to Get People Vaccinated'

Philosophy for Today

6 ways to improve your heart health after surviving Covid-19 (from the N.Y. Times)

Clif High's 'Take' on "Watch the Water." It's a worthy critique...

Musk vs. ‘The Deep State’ -We’ll see how it goes… If Elon takes over, he’ll need to need to really clean house of the “wokies!”

Horrible United Kingdom Booklet For Kids

Supply Chain Issues to Get Worse - Cargo Backlog Ripples beyond Shanghai as Lockdown Stops Trucks

The Covid Lies with Dr. Mike Yeadon

This Is Not An Alien UFO From Outer Space; This Is Actually a Top-Secret Anti-Gravity Plane Called TR-3B (Do I think these exist? ABSOLUTELY!)

COVID-19 and the Vaxx as the Coronation of the Trans-Humanist Agenda

"Challenge Power... and You'll Be Censored INSTANTLY!" - Tucker Carlson

World Premiere: Watch the Water - The Documentary - Dr Ardis Bombshell 4-11-2022

What to Know About the XE Variant of COVID-19

Two Weeks of COVID-19 Lockdown in Shanghai. (It's REAL... NOT Hollywood. Is this what you want happening here?)

Putin does NOT inoculate his troops with deadly mRNA vaccines

Girls are developing GENITAL ULCERS after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

Leaked Title 42 Plan: Ensure Migrants Get 'Any' Way to Stay

Turkey & Chicken Bird Flu, WW III Backgrounder, and U.S./NATO Proxy War

Erratum: My Vernon Coleman post this morning has a broken video link; here's the correct link. My apologies to all...

Vernon Coleman: "We Have Eight Months..."

US Air Force to WASTE millions in taxpayer money by discharging trained, experienced, pilots over their refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccines

How The Synthetic Spike Protein Will Likely Sterilize All Women Who Have Taken Or Will Take The Bio-Weapon Injections...

Bio-Labs in Ukraine, "Bird Flu" Pandemic Coming?, 4th Vaxx Dose offers Zero Protection, VAERS Fetal Deaths, COVID Infections at the CDC

How to Detox your body from the Spike Protein after having COVID-19 or getting the Vaccine...

‘Monitoring & Prosecuting’ UnVaxxed Americans, Proof 'Safe & Effective' is BS, NYT's Reporters To "Meaningfully Reduce" Twitter Usage, KJB SUPCO Appointment Disaster, Biden's 'Bag Men'

A Vaxx and 'Green Energy' Update for today... plus an essay re: Perception vs Reality

Terrifying Morbidity Increases Since The COVID-19 VAX Was Introduced...

PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED

NATO goads China, REAL Extent of Pfizer Vaxx Adverse Events, Food Shortages, Vaxx Changes Personalities...

An in-depth look at the Khazarian Mafia (the folks who run Wall Street, the Fed, Hollywood, Pharma, and a lot of major tech... along with other things.)

Metaverse, California Drought, Housing Bubble, Microplastics in Food/Water Supply, NWO "Cashless Society" About to be Imposed, Update from Clif High: 'Secrets Revealed'

Pentagon Says There's No 'Offensive' Bio-Weapons at US-Linked Ukraine Labs

Ukraine Bio Labs, New Global Reserve Currency, COVID-19's Escape from Wuhan Lab, Regime Change in America, Bill Gate's "Depopulation Plan"

Note from Sam Kephart, Editor/Curator of this newsletter

Bill Gates and His Evil Plan to Depopulate Planet Earth

REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA...

COVID-19 ‘Most Likely’ Escaped From Wuhan Lab, State Dept. Memo Reveals

Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

EXPOSED: Pentagon planning to use Ukraine bio-labs to attack Russia

I've been "Missing In Action" for a couple of days; here's why:

The TIME 100 Most Interesting Companies for 2022

Bruce Willis Stepping Away From Acting Following Aphasia Diagnosis

Web 3.0? It’s a hazy/vague term describing a crypto-powered internet... and a font of yoga-babble.

DEATH MARCH: FDA orders doctors in eight states to stop treating COVID-19 patients with monoclonal antibodies

Dr. Marble: With COVID-19 lies exposed, 'globalists' now promote WORLD WAR to depopulate the world

A worthy image for the day

Poll: Eight In Ten Americans Worried Biden’s Bumbling Will Lead To NUCLEAR WAR

Beware the strange new physics of Terahertz Waves

WATCH as Rep. Gaetz Rips FBI Cyber Director Who Claims He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is... (such B.S.)

Biden's Reckless Words Underscore Dangers Of US Using Ukraine For Proxy War...

Grassley and Johnson revive arguments on ‘Biden family’ links to China

Russia says West not welcome at peace talks...

Funeral Directors, Embalmers Alarmed by Unusual Blood Clots in Vaccinated Bodies

21 states sue Biden administration to end transportation mask mandate

Biden's Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, has family ties with George Soros

The Many Ways The Spike Protein Annihilates Human Life...

MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? (Video)

Stop World Control... a GREAT on-going web resource to follow the legal battle against the 'engineered' Pandemic and the fraudulent development of the Vaxxes

The OverWoo Lecture by Clif High - An important view to understand WHAT is going-on now (the crack-up of the current paradigm) and to 'connect the dots'....

Assessment forecasts "nightmare scenario" of nuclear World War III over rising potential for operational miscalculation regarding Ukraine

Covid Injection... Under the Microscope

Vaccine Passports, Mandates, and Social Credit Scores (A great conversation.)

An Introduction to the China Social Credit System

The Social Credit System

The horrors of the Social Credit System

Confidential Documents suggest Moderna created its Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE Covid-19 was known to exist

The World Health Organization is examining rare reports of hearing loss and other auditory issues following Covid-19 vaccinations.

Heart attack rates are skyrocketing...

Biden's Handheld Note card at Press Conference Reveals Humiliating Instructions for Handling 'Tough' Questions... (What a doddering, co-opted moron!)

FOX's Peter Doocy presses Biden on walked-back controversial comments regarding regime change in Russia...

Deltacron: What We Know About This Hybrid Variant

The White House can’t just wash away the stink of Hunter Biden’s laptop...


Vindication: United Airlines set to bring back workers who did not get the COVID-19 vaccine

Scientists look to create chimeric mRNA vaccines that can be deployed through food

HOW LONG until the world launches 'Nuremberg' style murder trials for the evil scientists and executives at Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson who created the deadly Covid-19 Vaxx jabs?

Putin Declares May 9th as End of War in Ukraine... Same Date Russia Defeated Nazis in WW2

The Supply Chain Crisis Is About to Get a Lot Worse...

If You Want the Globalists' (Khazarian Mafia) Perspective on the Ukraine War, read this

After Biden Sparks "Global Uproar" With Regime Change Comment...

Whether 'intentional' or a Freudian Slip, this idiotic comment by Biden clearly goes to his war-mongering mindset. He's the one who needs to go...

'Sleepy Son-of-a-Bitch': Trump Accuses Biden of Killing 'the American Dream.' (Whether you like or hate Trump, this IS the Truth of the matter.)

Why Did Hunter Biden Have DOD Encryption Keys On His Laptop?

An amazingly frank (short) video where World Economic Forum (Khazarian Mafia) leaders Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari explain:

SHOCKING INFO! Former CIA Intelligence Officer on a possible nuclear World War III scenario...

Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock: "Behaviors are going to have to change..."

Heart Issues Detected Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

If a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words... This One Captures the Angst of Biden's Inept Handling of the NATO/Ukraine Situation.

The One Small Ingredient That Makes The Biggest Difference In "Go-To" Dishes

Dangerous chemicals found in food wrappers at major fast-food restaurants and grocery chains.

Hunter Biden's 'Laptop from Hell' (and the suppressed geopolitical truths it holds...)

‘Chaos in the Sky’

An engineered Food Crisis perpetration. "Food Passports" coming...

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama's Defense Department.

Did America Create a Real “Cobra Event” Scenario for Russia? (A highly informative read.)

CDC: Covid Vaccines killed at least 61,000 Americans aged 25 – 44 throughout 2021

French Lawyer arrested for Treason after helping Reiner Fuellmich prove World Leaders have committed Crimes Against Humanity in the name of Covid-19...

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding

Joe Biden Tells U.S. Troops What They Will See in Ukraine ‘When You’re There’ - Any doubt NATO will eventually enter the war...

Philosophy for the Day

Woke General Milley Powerless as Kremlin Refuses to Answer His Calls...

Unobtainium: Clif High's brilliant essay on where we are with our financial system...

BREAKING: Biden says 'food shortages are gonna be real'

Justin Trudeau (Canada's Dictator) is in Europe for the big meeting. He got his shorts stripped off him by a Member of the European Parliament. BRAVO!

Never Forget: An Important Lesson in How Tyranny Happens

"Ukraine Can Hold Out As Long As the West Keeps Supplying Weapons"

U.S. Lied About Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Bio-Labs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal

Moderna Vaxx Patented 9 Months BEFORE the Pandemic.

Millions likely to get AIDS from Vaxx by this Fall

Facing Unpleasant Facts

The Show Trial of Kentaji Brown Jackson

Larry C. Johnson: "The Ukrainian Army Has Been Defeated. What's Left Is Mop-Up."

US Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials Hours After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia (Biden is such a moron, seriously.)

Putin Puts Russian Spies Who Scouted Ukraine Under House Arrest - Suggests Growing Distrust Of KGB's Successor...

Military doctor says she was ordered to cover up a wave of Covid-19 “vaccine” injuries in servicemen...

The global UPRISING begins...

US Company Metabiota Links Bio-Labs in Africa and Ukraine to the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DRTA)

Surprise Surprise... New Poll Suggests Triple Vaccinated Most Likely To Support Starting WW3 Over Ukraine

Globalist 'deep state' could be planning a false flag attack on Biden when he travels to Europe

Turn off the TV: Neuro-linguistic programming has been used against populations in many countries

BUSTED! Media Crimes Exposed


Another Biden Disaster - New Supreme Court Nominee Is Soft On Crime.

Clif High's Latest - Putin Has Been Fighting Deep State Globalists For Awhile

UPDATED: How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

WW3=Great Reset=New World Order

Zelensky Says World War III Is Assured If Negotiations With Russia Break Down

SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan! - Corbett Report

According to the discredited vaccine industry, sports referee WHISTLES are the cause behind heart problems in otherwise perfectly healthy athletes... (such utter BS!)

Former Big Pharma employee says entire industry knew engineered COVID-19 pandemic was coming

Wall Street analyst says Covid-19 “vaccines” are the “greatest fraud in history”

Putin's Side of the Story

Col. Macgregor's "take" on the Ukraine War 3/15/22 - It's different than what we're being told.

ANALYSIS: Russia is winning, America is self-destructing... prepare for EXTREME POVERTY as 50-year economic fairy tale implodes

Document proves that U.S. government is guilty as charged over allegations it is engaged in bio-weapons development in several countries

Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist, on the 'Mystery Blood Clots'

Ukraine-Russia War, An Overview of Where Things Stand Now...

Ukraine Has First-Rate Satellite Intelligence Courtesy of Uncle Sam, Making Its Artillery Far Deadlier

Unsustainable Humanity

The CIA May Be Breeding Nazi Terror in Ukraine

A trip down memory lane...

Covid and the ‘Very Liberal’

Dr. Francis Boyle: NATO and the West have used Ukraine to "surround Russia" with biological weapons

World braces for renewed supply chain crisis as another COVID outbreaks shut down highly vaccinated China

8 Year Old Boy Has TERRIBLE Reaction to the Pfizer COVID Vaxx

Food Shortages Soon Come – What To Do?

Russian MoD: Diseases Spread to Humans Through Bats Studied in Kharkov Under US Control For Years

Paul Craig Roberts: "I have come to the conclusion that the Kremlin lacks the awareness that it is dealing with evil that is smarter and more determined than the Kremlin."

Russia claims US wanted to spread infectious diseases via Bio-Labs in Ukraine

President Zelensky restates his red lines and demands Putin doesn't keep an inch of his land after Kremlin issued '15-point peace plan' that involved Kyiv giving up Crimea and Donbass region

A Thought for Today...

Locations of US Nuclear Weapons In Europe

Freeze on Russian Reserves Domino That May Topple Dollar’s World Reserve Status, German Media Warns

Russia highlights ‘collapse of sanctity of private property’ in the West

Ingestible capsule can be controlled wirelessly

World Economic Forum (WEF) describes forced medical compliance with an edible 'BioChip'

“Guilty Until Proven Innocent” Biden Signs New Backdoor Gun Control Into Law

Over 1/3 of Americans polled by Pew Research support the US 'taking military action even if it risks a nuclear conflict with Russia.'

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs

Soros Worries About Putin-Xi Partnership, Hopes They Can Be Stopped "Before They Destroy Our Civilization"

❗This is why we must question EVERYTHING...

Tucker Video (3:08) - Saudi Arabia considers ditching the dollar for Chinese oil sales...

VACCINE WARNING: mRNA spike proteins linked to infertility in next generation via engineered "ovarian failure"

Millions of People "Fully Vaccinated" for Covid Are Now Suffering From Excruciating Illnesses

Media Covering-Up Looming Food Shortages, Expert Warns

Former NIH head Frances Collins touts using threat of unemployment to push COVID-19 vaccine compliance... leaked recording reveals

World war ESCALATION being aggressively pushed by Biden and NATO because tyrants need a food scarcity crisis to reach global depopulation milestones

Globalists Aim to Take Over Health Systems Worldwide - The Rise of Health Fascism

Beware the Ides of March. (But Why?)

Dr. Philippe Blood Slides

If One Wants the Truth on Ukraine and the Deep State's Intention to Start WW III, Then Take a Close Look At Victoria Nuland

Lara Logan Claims ‘Puppet’ Zelensky Was ‘Selected’ in Unhinged Rant Linking Ukraine to the Nazis and the Occult

Russian wheat exports plunge

Foxconn Halts iPhone Production At Factories In Shenzhen Due To Lockdown

A Secret Recording Reveals Everything

How the war in Ukraine hurts the U.S. economy

Riyadh, Beijing mull using yuan instead of dollar for oil trade (Note: If the US Dollar "loses" its Reserve Currency status, the American economy could quickly descend to that of Venezuela.)

Is Consciousness Everywhere?

From Sage Hana's Substack Newsletter

Vaccine injury compensation charade

mRNA “DNA Gene Editing”... No Longer A Conspiracy Theory

Sars-Cov-2, aka COVID-19, Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV Says Wuhan Lab Scientist

Taibbi: Orwell Was Right

"Russia Going All Out"- Maj. Gen. GD Bakshi's Analysis As Russia-Ukraine War Escalates

Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data and Democide

The US, its Secret Bio-Labs, and the Hidden History of the Neocons in Ukraine and US Foreign Policy.

Dr. Klaus Schwab & The World Economic Forum’s recorded history has been "manufactured" to appear as though the organization was a strictly European creation... but this isn’t so.

Get a load of this... World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab's Top Advisor Says Humans Are 'Hackable Animals'

Iran Claims Missile Attack on Iraq That Sent U.S. Troops Rushing for Shelter

Do NOT Trust The Home Test Kits

They (The Powers That Be) always tell us what they are going to do in Advance...

The West’s hands in Ukraine are as bloody as Putin’s

Marine Le Pen Says Western Arms Supplies to Ukraine Verge on Participation in Conflict

Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia’s war on Ukraine

Russian allegations that U.S. built bio-lab in Ukraine found to be valid

Why Did Russia Invade The Ukraine?

Russia says Ukraine is littered with U.S. financed bio weapons labs

After denying existence of US bio labs in Ukraine, Biden regime warns that Russia could release the bio weapons they contain...

A New World Energy Order Is Emerging From Putin’s War on Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has unexpectedly transformed Europe.

The War in Ukraine is Transforming the European Union

Fully vaccinated and boosted make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the UK

Rule by Smart People Blinded by Ideology

The Doorbells Have Eyes

The Rise of Global Fascism

CDC and FDA Smoking Gun...

Devolution Power Hour - Cliff High Interview

Global Diesel Shortage Raises Risk Of Even Greater Oil Price Spike

Pfizer CEO says firm plans to ask FDA to authorize FOURTH vaccine dose

10+ Things You Should Know about the New Pfizer Documents

Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines I Have Come Across

Pfizer CEO Backpedals...

US ‘Deep State’ Using Birds for Biological Warfare and to Spread COVID, Russia Tells UN

Russians Release Documents From Ukraine Bio Weapon Labs

Americans Panic Hoard Ammo In Wake Of Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

The Ancient Guide for Uncertain Times...

Nine more US soldiers, all in their 20s or 30s, died recently at Fort Bragg from “undetermined” causes, or after being discovered “unresponsive” in their bunks.

What's the real story with the US-Funded BioLabs in Ukraine?

New Zealand Ruling Class Data Suggests The Fully “Vaccinated” Are Getting AIDS

Why American Mask Makers Are Going Out of Business

What Google Search Isn’t Showing You

How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Upended Germany

"It's Appalling": In Hilarious Reversal, Biden Admin Now Slams Shale For Not Raising Output

Russia To Ban Fertilizer Exports To 'Not Friendly' Countries; China Warns US Against Retaliation

Jim Rogers: "None Of This Should Be Happening, It's Absolute Madness"

What a ride this man had...

Illusion Warfare Report: The Road to Ukraine...

Tucker... The Pentagon Is Lying About BioLabs In Ukraine

What is a no-fly zone? Why Ukraine wants one, and why NATO is refusing.

NATO Exposed as Planning World War With Russia For Decades

There's more going-on in Ukraine than meets the eye...

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs

Defense giants quietly making billions on Ukraine war

'This Is Already A Perfect Storm' Expert Warns...


Biden to Extend Federal Mask Rules on Airlines, Public Transport Until 18 April...

Russian Ministry of Defense re U.S. Bio-Labs

Ukraine Is in Violation of the Biological Weapons Treaty Act

Greenwald Slays 'Fact Checkers' After Nuland's Ukraine Bio-Lab Bombshell

The White House's Game-Playing Denials of Bio Labs in Ukraine

Itemized Listing of Our Posts (so far) Regarding US Bio-weapons Research in Ukraine...

A First Look at Newly Released Pfizer Docs Part 1

A 'Silent Massacre'

A New 'Side Effect' From The BioWeapon Injection

The Pentagon Bio-Weapons

Putin signs decree banning or restricting exports from Russia, imports to Russia of certain products and raw materials...

Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”

Here's a referral to a new Substack Newsletter

Some of the world's most dangerous bioweapons are made at a lab in Maryland (not just in China and Ukraine)

Cryptocurrency platform blocks 25,000 Russian accounts (Um... what's the point of holding "crypto" if your account can be revealed and embargoed?)



A Large Scale "False Flag" Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent...

In New York, 26.9% of Medicare-Aged Patients Who Received Fauci’s 5-Day Remdesivir Protocol Died

US Reveals Plans for ‘Highway Patrol’ Into Space ‘Far Beyond’ Path Trodden by Satellites

Third Time’s NOT the Charm...

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister...

Navy Says Destroyer is ‘Out of Commission’

Military Medical Evisceration of America's Finest

USA Clearly Wants War With Russia

Kiev Regime Sought to Scrub Evidence of Pentagon-backed Biowarfare Program

Documents expose US biological experiments

Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine (Hmm, I wonder if this pissed-off Putin?)

Inflation, explained by eggs

Doocy Catches Psaki Lying in Real Time About Gas Prices

Treatment with Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality in COVID-19 Patients

COVID-19 Vaccines are Causing Neuro-degenerative Disease & VAIDS

Covid Toes, Hands, Legs And Feet

A Weaponization Of Money We’ve Never Seen Before...

Here are the Documents the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Scrubbed on ‘Biological Threat Reduction’ Labs

Evidence of Pentagon-Run BioLabs throughout Ukraine Removed from US Embassy Website

How the war in Ukraine will hit YOU in the pocket...

The Federal Government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines' use. (Hmm... any conflict here??)

Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda (Yup...)

US Eager to Start Sending IED Materials to a Ukrainian Insurgency

US Secretary of State Blinken Doing His Damnedest to Widen Ukraine Conflict Into a Broader War (He's a co-opted useful idiot for his "Globalist Masters")

"We're in a very Dangerous Position Right Now"

Did the US and NATO Deliver 17,000 Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine in Six Days?

Ready For a Massive Cyber Attack?

An Important Graphic That Captures Our 'Zeitgeist'

How Russia Will Counter-punch the U.S./EU Declaration of War

Pfizer Confirms

COVID-19 can affect the blood. Its spike protein may be the culprit.

Vaxx Reckoning...

Vaccinated People Around the World Are Beginning to Show AIDS-Like Symptoms

The 4 Key Steps of Discernment...

While you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion...

Did Moderna Create COVID-19?

The Matrix Spectator - Pilot Episode

Video Report - Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Death Data

The Power of Propaganda: State Control of the Press and Media Will Be the Death Knell of Freedom

A "High-Level" Historic and Contextual Video Overview of What's REALLY Going-On...

Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters

Fire At Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant "Extinguished" As Russia Takes Control

State Department Official Warns President Xi Will Face "Serious Consequences" If China Helps Moscow Avoid Sanctions

Food Crisis Imminent (Yup...)

The De-Platforming of A Nation State

First Possible Case of Covid-19 Spreading From Deer to Humans

China’s exposure to Russian sanctions explained...

A possible "binary weapon"...

Evidence donated blood IS toxic...

“The Empire of Lies”

Expert: China has built in "back door" that could completely take out the U.S. electric grid...

Major media, NGOs and online "experts" push a fake Ukraine narrative...

An "alternative" (and true) view of the Ukraine War

Rheumatoid arthritis drug could be lifesaver for severely ill COVID-19 patients

New Jersey Governor Releases 40 Percent of Prisoners, Threatens to Cut 60 Percent of Correctional Police Officers Due to Vaxx Status (What a dumb ass...)

Follow the Money

The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaxx

"Rebranded' Military Lab in Maryland Handles Some of World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens

World Thermonuclear War Can Easily Happen

Russia began its military operation one day before the Ukraine army was to begin the invasion and slaughter of the free Republics in the east... (You didn't get that on FOX or CNN, did ya?)

Who REALLY Runs the World?

Pfizer/BioNTech "Confidential" Internal Vaxx Adverse Event Summary Report - 30 April 2021

Scientists Propose Measures to Ensure Well-Being of Gene-Edited Babies

COVID-19 vaccines found to increase risk of Myocarditis in children...

A Legend In His Own Mind...

Vaxx & Jab Deadlier Than COVID-19

Dissolving Illusions...

Vaxx Adverse Effect

VAERS Report Shows Little 5 Year Old Girl Severely Damaged By Vaxx

Move Over Cancer!

Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Incorporates into Human DNA In as Little as Six Hours...

Is Russia Targeting Secret US Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine?

Russia – Ukraine – Who is To Blame?

How US Orchestrated Russia Ukraine War

War As An Interlude Between Pandemics

A brief reminder...

Treaty between The US Department of Defense and Ukraine regarding Bio-Weapons Research

Ukraine was doomed by the Catholic fanatic Brzezinski's NATO expansionism

The "Battle for Your Mind" Continues

Here's the Memo That Panicked the CDC and Democrats Into Dropping Mask Mandates

Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England.

U S embassy just REMOVED all their Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB DOCUMENTS from the website…

Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia

Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?

Proof the Department of Defense Received Funding For Bio Weapons Development

The First Casualty of War Is the Truth

Putin: Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum at Davos Is Trying to Usher In a ‘New World Order’

Here's the missing attachment...

Bombshell New Study Proves Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Permanently Alters Human DNA

Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna Vaxx, no longer a coincidence but confirmed.

Dr. Zelenko: “Yes, The Vaccinated Have AIDS”

Putin Ushers in the New Geopolitical Game Board

What Most of Us Do Not Want to Know about Cell-Phone Technology

In eighteenth and nineteenth century German philosophy, Zeitgeist," the spirit of the age", is an invisible agent or force dominating the characteristics of a given epoch in world history.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse... and the progressives’ dark pedigree

Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence

21-Year-Old Med Student Severely Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Still Waiting for Response From Government Compensation Program

Is the CDC Hiding Data to Serve Its Political Narrative?

Governments Suppressed Effective COVID-19 Treatments and Targeted Physicians Who Prescribed Them

Study shows a rare multi-system inflammatory syndrome appears in some teenagers after COVID-19 vaccination

Tucker Carlson on Fox Nation Network

400,000 Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries Found in Data Analyzed by German Health Insurer

Pfizer Steps Up Advertising for Its ‘Blockbuster’ Drug to Treat Heart Conditions

Graphene Is Being Transmitted from the “Vaccinated” to Vaccine-Free Individuals

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out...

CDC Grant Program Spends $5,000 Per Shot to Convince Minorities to Get COVID-19 Vaxx

To expand profits, Pfizer reportedly partnered with CCP-linked pharmaceutical company...

COVID-19... A Web of Corruption:

What Are Secret US Bio-laboratories Doing in Ukraine?

Covid-19 "vaccines" are 11,361% more likely to cause a stroke...

CDC: Some of you should wait longer before getting your second vaccination

The Data Show 'Significant Under-Reporting' of Vaccine Side Effects

Dr. Robert W. Malone on CDC Revelations

HIV And STD Testing Fakery In Hospital ER's

Triple “Vaccinated” Deaths Skyrocketed 495% in January; 80% of All New Covid Cases Are Fully Jabbed...

Scientists find virus contains a tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began. Hmmm?

Analysis of COVID-19 vaccines reveals hidden elements.

Luc Montagnier: “They are not vaccines, they are poisons”...

See What The HIV Home Test Kit Tests For...

Lab Developing Vaccine That Spreads Like a Virus

Rand Paul Warns That Trudeau’s Tyrannical Emergencies Act Can Be Implemented In U.S.

Graphene Nano Is In All Covid Vaccines

Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19 (Hmm... I wonder WHY?)

Canada Moves to Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent

What Is The CDC Hiding?

Take a close look at this WEF octopus that wraps around the world!

Japan Now Adds Heart Inflammation Warning Label on COVID-19 Shots

Study Finds Ivermectin 'Did Not Prevent' Severe COVID-19... Doctors Alliance Calls It 'Misleading'

US Agencies Quietly Studying Reports of Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues

CDC Isn't Publishing Large Portions of the COVID-19 Data It Collects

Trampling the Truckers... The Great Reset Becomes the Great Awakening

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism

FDA Weighs Authorizing Second COVID-19 Vaxx Booster Jab

And you think it can't happen here?

Learning from the Emergency...

Convoy Chaos: Organizers Arrested, Dogs Threatened, Accounts Frozen... And Govt. Sued

Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots

Treating Long-Haul COVID-19

CDC: 10% Chance YOUR COVID-19 PCR Nasal Test Is Being Used For Genomic Sequencing...

Vatican's support for vaccines and mandates makes it COMPLICIT in vaccine deaths.

Mounted Police Knock Protesters Down, as Over 100 Are Arrested in Ottawa

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says COVID vaccines are changing people...

Report: NIH advisers SHRED documents detailing work Fauci's agency did with Wuhan lab during Obama era

Bombshell study confirms link between 5G wireless exposure and COVID-19 disease

A Pathologist Summarizes What "The Jabs" Do To The Brain And Other Organs...

The Nazis weren't defeated...

LATEST DETAILED VAERS Adverse Reactions To Vaxx Reports - AGES 29 & UNDER!

Nanotech In The Shots? (Mind-Blowing)

Doctors Group Demands Investigation Into Sudden Increase In Young Male Deaths In UK

Roughly 75% Of Americans Are Already Immune To Omicron

A Holistic Approach to Viruses

In Leaked Audio, CDC's Rochelle Walensky Privately Confirms She Won't Relax School Mask Guidance

Americans Need an Exit Strategy...

Here's how to detox from the COVID spike protein...

Vaccine die-off: Fully vaccinated and triple-vaccinated deaths skyrocket

CDC Casually Admits COVID-19 Nose Swabs Ended Up in a Lab for Genomic Sequencing Analysis

Last year's "conspiracy theorist" hoax...

Important Read: What IS "Medical Informed Consent?"

They all “died suddenly” just this past week (February 8-14)

Pfizer Funding FDA to Approve Annual COVID Jab, Exec Tells Project Veritas

"A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue"

Covid "vaccines" cause AIDS: proof

Myocarditis Concerns Grow...

Media pushing "HIV variant" narrative as cover story for vaccine-induced immune system collapse.

Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?

Psychological Damage From Pandemic Lockdowns Could Last A Generation

CDC: 'Everyone Can Get Blood Clots, Even The Healthiest'

Pfizer Issues Urgent Warning about Pulmonary Embolisms Caused by Blood Clots

Moderna's president says if you can hack the rules of mRNA, "the entire kingdom of life is available for you to play with..."

Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship

Biologic Unrestricted Warfare

Covid cultists honing craft of manipulation to guilt, shame people into getting "vaccinated"

Has China released another bio-weapon during the Olympic games?

City of Boston apologizes for ‘accidentally’ emailing out names of un-Vaxxed employees

Levi’s brand president says she was forced out over anti-school closure views

Bill introduced to reinstate troops...

Doctor who discovered Omicron...

Victory for freedom!

108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure…

THEY LIED: Bombshell article confirms that Reuters, AP misled the public about how long mRNA nano-particles persist in the body following Vaxx

Funeral Director, John O'Looney, on Vaxx Deaths

Children "Struggle To Recognize Masked Faces"

Map reveals your life expectancy depending on the state you live in

US Supreme Court rejects NYC teachers’ religious exemption appeal over Vaxx mandate

16 States sue Biden regime over Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate for federal health care workers

Federal judge green lights firing of Un-Vaxxed NYC municipal workers

California bill would make Vaxx mandatory for employment

Back in 2020 scientists warned that some COVID-19 vaccines could increase risk of HIV

Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine Declares...

You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR test, Even Without Knowing

Rose/Icke 6 "The Vindication"

Meet The Family-Owned Company That Invented Swabs For Covid-19 Tests

Austrians Being Stopped Randomly By Authorities

"They Will Not Silence Me"

27 Epitopes in the Spike Protein match up to Human Reproductive proteins.

Mortality By ALL Causes Skyrockets

It's a Real Mystery Why No One Trusts CNN Anymore

These Are the 10 Most Vaccinated States in the U.S

Democratic Strategist Says He Wants to Physically Assault 'Piece of S--t' UnVaccinated People

Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business

Shocking: More Machines (?) And Synthetic Devices Found In Blood After Being Vaxxed

The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA

Intentional Vax Fraud Committed by Big Pharma Strips Liability Shield


"Amazing, the first genomic sequences of COVID-19 showed a gain of function that included an HIV spike."

Preventive Use of Ivermectin Reduced COVID Mortality by 90%

Leaked Database Shows U.S. Military Disease Skyrocketing After Covid-19 Inoculations

How the Covid shots suppress your immune system...

German doctor confirms that excess mortality is directly linked to Covid-19 vaccination

Watch This Parent’s Awesome Tirade At Her School Board Meeting

NYC Mayor Eric Adams caught maskless days after doubling down on mask mandate for schools

Expert Warns That Shoveling Snow Could Cause ‘Sudden Death’

CDC Signals Changes to COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule

99% of All Covid Prior Infections Resulted in ‘Natural Immunity’ That Lasted at Least 650 Days

5G & Nanotech in Covid Vaxx

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals - OSHA’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate is STAYED (on hold).

Genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human "species."

British Man Temporarily Banned from Facebook a After Sharing Gruesome Photo

COVID lockdowns had ‘little to no effect’ on mortality rate, study says

Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers?

FDA Suddenly Removes Data on Moderna Vaccine Approval

Battlefield America 2022-2024

Proof The Vaxx 'Narrative' Is Collapsing

CDC unveils its latest weapon in Covid-19 detection...

Dr. David Martin Exposes The Entire Plandemic:

US Army ‘immediately’ begins enforcing vaccine mandate

CDC finally admits natural immunity is SUPERIOR to vaccines

FDA Used ‘Critically Flawed’ Risk-Benefit Analysis to ‘Justify’ COVID Vaccines for Children

COVID-19 Vaccines Cause ‘Irreparable’ Damage to Kids’ Brains, Heart, Other Organs

New HIV super-strain is found in the Netherlands

Four chemistry professors ask BioNTech why Covid "vaccine" vial contents have a "grey shade"

Hidden Pfizer trial data shows that ALL "vaccinated" women in pregnancy lost their unborn babies

Bill Gates Summarized in 60 Seconds

Army to immediately start discharging vaccine "refusers."

Your Body Is the Battlefield...

52-year-old Canadian cardiologist tells the Un-Vaxxed “I won’t cry at your funeral.”

Here's the "inside story" of hospitals getting Covid bonuses...

Corporate media refuses to report on Sen. Ron Johnson’s panel discussion exposing deadly Covid “vaccines”

The GLOBAL FREEDOM MOVEMENT Finally Explodes In Canada

Want to know WHY the pandemic occurred?

COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality

Video: First Look At Child Jab Plus Evil Monoclonal Antibody Secrets Exposed

Pfizer CEO Says Annual COVID Jabs Would Be An "Ideal Situation"

The Goal of “Covidism” is Communism

Vax Die-Off for Next Three Years – Clif High

Triple Vaccinated Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate...

Poll: Nearly One-Third of Americans Say They Have Not Gotten the Covid Vaxx

You Think Stores Are Empty Now? Just Wait...

Israel, One of Most Vaccinated Countries in the World, Sets New COVID-19 Case Record

Studies Find Natural Treatments for Coronavirus

Genetic study may explain two key Covid-19 symptoms

The coming "truth" about using mRNA immunity.

The Truth About Vaccine-induced Myocarditis

Israel - 'Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure'

Worse than the Disease: the Neurogenerative Risks of mRNA Vaxxes

45 Percent of Democrats Support Forced Quarantine Camps for Un-Vaxxed

Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency

Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic

Street Art and the Biden Administration's "Dark Thumb"

Australia's deportation of the un-Vaxxed tennis star Novak Djokovic creates serious dangers.

Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

Quietly and over some objections, a national digital vaccine card has emerged

Damning Fauci Emails Suggest Concealed Knowledge Of Lab Leak

Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID...

Want to know the "truth" about vaccines?

What do you really know about the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The Biden Administration Is Compiling Lists of the Unvaccinated

Majority of Canadians Support Fines for the Unvaxxed...

Defending OSHA's Vaccine Mandate, Sonia Sotomayor Says 'I'm Not Sure I Understand the Distinction' Between State and Federal Powers

It's Dangerous to Allow Politicians and Officials to Decide What Constitutes 'Truth'

Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families

Geoengineered Transhumanism

Supreme Court Holds Special Session to Rule on Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

NIH Re-Opens The Door To Creation Of Super-Viruses

Trump’s vaccine support may cost him victory in 2024

Intra-body nano-network

EXPOSED: Doctors Receive 'Perverse' Monetary Incentives to Vaccinate

Weeks after Minnesota nurses warn of staffing crisis, Mayo Clinic fires 700 unvaccinated workers

Was Omicron engineered by WHITE HATS as a self-spreading ANTIDOTE to end the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Navy SEALS Achieve Stunning Victory in America's Fight Against Vaccine Mandates

Navy SEALS Achieve Stunning Victory in America's Fight Against Vaccine Mandates

Desperate Patients Are Shelling Out Thousands for a Long Covid Cure...

NY Health Commissioner Openly Admits Exaggerating Covid-19 Epidemic

Latest Research Puts Nail in the Coffin re Deniers of ‘Natural Immunity’ to COVID-19

Vaccines Tested Contain Nano Technology

If It's Really a 'Pandemic of the UnVaccinated,' Mr. President...