
I can’t help what you believe in or not.

I’ve been around savvy political leaders since I was a tyke.

There’s a lot of research out there about the Khazarian Mafia for those willing to do the Deep Dive.

I have a Jewish friend who comes from a multi-generational line of conservative rabbis.

Her, I believe, great great great grandfather was active in calling out the Khazarian Mafia in Europe, in writing, a very long time ago.

My goal with this newsletter is to provide a “buffet line” of alternative news perspectives on the geopolitical perpetrations going-on right now.

As Editor, it’s up to me to suggest WHY some of these bad things are happening.

I’ll even go further…

Actually, above the Khazarian Mafia (and “informing” the nasty games afoot) are other dimensional, non-terrestrial Nephilim or “Fallen Angel” type dark entities… some might say demons.

I’m not here to proselytize… just wake folks up to what's the “little t” truth as I see it.

If you struggle with my view of things or are not being well-served, it’s time for you to move on.

The great thing about this newsletter is it’s a self-filtering mechanism.

If the shoe doesn’t fit… don’t wear it.

Thank you for sharing your perspective.

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I don't believe in Khazarians.

What's Plan B?

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Samuel, thanks and I think you do great work, but think you will come a cropper if you continue with the nonsense in the first article; many of us dismissed VIA FACTS this utter BS 2 years ago ... 1. "From the initial allowance of gain-of-function research" and "As SARS-CoV-2 spread through the population"....plus plus... whatever; easy to ban me.

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Thank you for sharing your opinion.

I know you’ve been a reader for some time now.

Sorry to say, if our “shares” truly bother you… it’s time for YOU to say “Sayonara.”

We’re attempting to provide a reasonably solid and reliable “buffet line” of alternative news and opinions regarding the source of COVID-19, the gain of function research, the development of the Spike Protein, the development of the mRNA “vaccines”, the Vaxx and booster rollout, and the pervasive MSM and societal conspiracy to block the truth from coming out.

Some of our readers including you, on occasion, take issue from time to time with either the premise we’re presenting and/or they have an issue with one or more of the experts whose opinions we feature.

That’s perfectly cool; kindly present YOUR counter opinion and argument here in the comment section.

But don’t tell us we do not know (generally) whereof we speak.

With all due respect, I’ve been around world leaders since I was an early teen.

At 17, in 1968, I was the non-legal administrative assistant for a US Presidential candidate who had previously co-authored the UN Charter. His signature is on it…

At that time, I had three (3) mentors with penetrating geopolitical insights.

We make no claim to being purveyors of ultimate “Truth.”

For that you’ll need the Bible or other esteemed religious and/or philosophical sources.

This newsletter, however, id a source of relative “truths”… note the little t.

If you find our shares “annoying” or otherwise untruthful, please pull the rip cord and bail-out as a subscriber.

FYI, last time I looked, you and all of our subscribers, are getting this newsletter free of charge.

A lot of time and, so far, unpaid research goes has gone into it.

I’m sorry you are disappointed, but at the end of the day, it’s our judgment call as to what we post.

Thank you for your feedback…

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Now hold on there boy (not patronising, but I believe an American term rightly or wrongly) and just calm down a little .. how can you take this personally, if you did not write the article ?.

As stated, love the site and most articles CONTRADICT THIS ONE that I am commenting on. But IF YOU ARE GENUINE .. you will reiterate that NO VIRUS has ever been isolated correctly or proved transmittable (ref the Sars-Cov-2 nonsense or whatever it is called) and as for the WUHAN / CHINESE "gain-of-function research" ... really ?; people still believe that shite ?.

You are the boss man and you may say “Sayonara” at will, but I think it would be unfortunate plus I think you have better things to focus on. You Yanks are sensitive hey ?.

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Indeed I am…

Don’t take it personally; I’ve about had enough with all this crap.

The “disease” is real, I promise you.

It’s not a group figment of the imagination.

Whether a virus, the Spike Protein, or a VooDoo induced curse… it’s real.

I am unVaxxed; I have had the COVID-19 illness twice so far in January 2020 and again at the end of May 2022.

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Actually, I am getting to that stage as well; but you cannot give up as we rely on people like you.

We must agree to disagree if the disease is real.. woo, let me clarify that, in being the virus is real (utter tosh) now the disease could be, but you say you are unjabbed - like me ... so how could you have had this so called Covid twice ?. I assume you live in the US, so 2 winters, lack of vit D (sun) - no I am not patronising; but we know the PCR test is utter nonsense... SO HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU HAD COVID ?.... did you have 1 of the vast range of symptems the CDC described... but then added (at the bottom) ....

Possible symptoms include:

Fever or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


This list does not include all possible symptoms. Symptoms may change with new COVID-19 variants and can vary depending on vaccination status.


Samuel, I am not having a crack at you or anything, but long ago on a "UK version of an alt site", we realised that even the strongest of us, had to back off and take a break for a while (2, 3 days), because this shit will do your head in.

You have NOT HAD COVID, you have had some symptom or a lack of something, your body needs.

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory.

PS You can say “Sayonara” if you want...and I wish you and readers all the best.

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In the third week of January of 2020, I got ill. I had all the classic symptoms, low grade fever, lack of energy, dry hacking cough, etc. However, the big symptom was my sense of taste went weird for 10 days or more.

Bottled water 💦 on my night table tasted like grapefruit juice that had been left out in the sun for 3 days… seriously!

At the time, I went to see Urgent Care and they diagnosed me as having “viral bronchitis.”

Mind you, there was no medical code for COVID-19 until a couple of months later in the Spring of 2020.

In late May of this year, I got it again with pretty much similar symptoms and a similar level of feeling unwell.

This time I was tested and it came back positive.

It’s possible, but I’m not sure my test was done using the PCR technology… and, yes, I’m very familiar with the amplification issues causing false positives, etc.

I was indeed ill with similar (identical) symptoms as before.

It was not a psychosomatic illness.

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OK fine, whatever ... I am neither competing or arguing with you; but I will say my view.

Regards "However, the big symptom was my sense of taste went weird for 10 days or more." ... now I comment on this, because I know a little ( a lot) about this, due to having cancer BEHIND MY NOSE... and all that rubbish; so just bear me out please.

Did you know that TASTE is a combination of both your taste buds (whatever the term is), but also the smell (some also include texture and vision) ?. just look it up ... strangely enough I lost all taste in my mouth, but made it up with my nose (yes where the cancer was)... now I can smell a bacon sandwich and even taste it if it is being cooked a 50 m away.

So in summary, you had a snotty nose twice, BLOCKED NOSE that we used to call a cold (so could not smell and food tasted weird)... a cold due to lack of vit C, D, Iron and Zinc and you think you had Covid; right ?. Not sure what to say now.. I better say adios, or better still aster la vista... before I dig my hole deeper.

Be back tomorrow, if you let me, get some rest and chill.

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