
I can’t help what you believe in or not.

I’ve been around savvy political leaders since I was a tyke.

There’s a lot of research out there about the Khazarian Mafia for those willing to do the Deep Dive.

I have a Jewish friend who comes from a multi-generational line of conservative rabbis.

Her, I believe, great great great grandfather was active in calling out the Khazarian Mafia in Europe, in writing, a very long time ago.

My goal with this newsletter is to provide a “buffet line” of alternative news perspectives on the geopolitical perpetrations going-on right now.

As Editor, it’s up to me to suggest WHY some of these bad things are happening.

I’ll even go further…

Actually, above the Khazarian Mafia (and “informing” the nasty games afoot) are other dimensional, non-terrestrial Nephilim or “Fallen Angel” type dark entities… some might say demons.

I’m not here to proselytize… just wake folks up to what's the “little t” truth as I see it.

If you struggle with my view of things or are not being well-served, it’s time for you to move on.

The great thing about this newsletter is it’s a self-filtering mechanism.

If the shoe doesn’t fit… don’t wear it.

Thank you for sharing your perspective.

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I don't believe in Khazarians.

What's Plan B?

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Samuel, thanks and I think you do great work, but think you will come a cropper if you continue with the nonsense in the first article; many of us dismissed VIA FACTS this utter BS 2 years ago ... 1. "From the initial allowance of gain-of-function research" and "As SARS-CoV-2 spread through the population"....plus plus... whatever; easy to ban me.

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