
The article is unclear. I would think it's a misprint and the booster round would be 32%.

However, it is possible that when folks heard about the Omicron variant, they went out and got more than one boost each, although that seems unlikely.

This past summer, I had a very direct conversation with well-placed executive in the drug distribution business. He flat out told me that big pharma's goal in all this is to have "everyone" need to take a quarterly booster for ALL the various illnesses circulating during any given season.

Then you'd need a pool of folks with pretty suppressed innate immunity to make that goal real.

There are many articles coming out now about the Vaxxed getting COVID-19 more readily than the "un-Vaxxed."

I'm quite sure that's true and will become more apparent over time, even if the CDC and FDA continue to cover it up.

At the end of the day, this is all a HUGE bio-weapons "experiment" with millions of both injured and dead, so far.

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I'm sorry, your question does not reference a specific article??

Very rough justice... each Vaxx shot and booster is estimated to reduce the average human's innate immune system by 25%.

Essentially, after two (2) 'vaccine' jabs and two (2) subsequent boosters, you're screwed.

NOW, much depends on that individual's DNA, how strong their immune system is already... AND which batches of Vaxx and booster were administered.

I believe there are at least 35-40 distinct batches... each with differing components and adjuvants.

Trying to accurately track the deadliness of any given batch has become problematic; it's a HUGE data shell game.... intentionally.

I don't know if that's responsive to your question.


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"...and 132% the third dose and the fourth dose..."

Is 132% correct? Or, is it supposed to be 13.2%? Or, some other percentage?

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