
I agree… I have a couple of Samisms to explain the phenomena:

The breathing-in of “Satanic Anesthesia” causes one to succumb to “Fatal Ignorance.”

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Thank you for the links.


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Most people don't want to hear the truth on these vaccines (which are not vaccines but something far much worse.) Most of the jabbed people just want the assurance that they did the right thing in getting those vaccines and when someone dies shortly after it is never even considered that the vaccine caused it. I literally can't talk to these people anymore as it just drives me crazy that these people are going along to get along and complicit in their own genocide and humanity as well.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Covid Fatigue and Christmas.......being used against us, on purpose........

Must Watch - New interview with James Roguski and Maria Zeee on worldwide elimination of human rights, through Intl. secret meetings, language changes, power grabs, etc.

Start at 6:00 mins in. Mass awareness & pushback needed now! Please share far and wide.


Dr. Meryl Nass talks about how we EXIT the WHO......https://merylnass.substack.com/p/here-is-how-we-exit-the-who?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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The sheeple believe and do what they are told. They live the narrative as a true and real state of being. Waking them up from the non-stop propaganda they receive daily from their phones and tv is nearly impossible.

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Pretty impossible.

"None so blind as those who refuse to see..."

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