Thank you for your articles & postings. And for being a true TRUTH & Health Freedom Warrior. This is Spiritual/psychological warfare - good/GOD vs evil. No entity will I allow to have access to my Soul. Our GOD lives in the Truth & those that follow Him will be protected ...

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Yes, Susan. Thank you and all true. This is a severe period of “judgment.”

Folks need to wake-up… but I’m not confident they will, because of the Saranic Anesthesia they are breathing in.

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Steiner predicted the coming of Ahriman. He even said it would be a person but Ahrimanic energy is negative materialistic, rather than the chaotic energy of Lucifer. I don’t quite understand all the cosmology - who does? Something about the 7th sphere. What I can see is that his description of this negative force is definitely here; the replacing of soul with bland robotic obedience. We actually need a bit of that Lucifer chaos to shake things up. A bit of dionysius revelry is just the ticket for these times.

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Like I've said, time to put our seat-belts on... indeed! Thank you for being a reader!

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