Curious; has any data collection and study been conducted on the distribution to specific locations within the US of each of the promoted VAXXs? Wondering if the puppeteers are letting us compile their data on how well any the experiments are doing on the subjects. Can the distribution of the different VAXXs be tracked and the various adverse effects then be attributed to a specific VAXX? Apologies if I’m late to the party and have simply missed discussion/reporting on this aspect of the experiment!

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It's pretty clear to me there are and have been different "batches" of the Vaxx made by the various Big Pharma companies. I believe some of the batches are quite toxic, some are mild, some are placebo-like, and some contain self-replicating nanobots.

There are, theoretically, batch numbers or serial numbers attached to the various sequences of Vaxx that were put out in the marketplace.

However, because they have been released under an FDA Experimental Use Authorization (EUA) there is ZERO legal labeling requirement for the drug manufacturer to list the adjuvants (sidebar additives) included in each dose of the Vaxx.

ANYONE who has taken one or more Jabs is legally operating inside an "experimental period" with NO possibility of liability or blow back on the Vaxx provider unless intentional fraud can be proven.

For this reason, the various Vaxx manufacturers are playing a shell game or "hide the pickle" when it comes to offering transparency in regards to the batch numbers.

It the batch numbers are kept confusing, misleading, and vague... it makes it almost impossible to reliably and consistently tie various deaths and adverse health events to any specific batch.

That would be the key to proving "FRAUD" because IF a bad or deadly batch was KNOWINGLY distributed and administered, and that fact could be PROVEN, it would blow the lid off the liability waiver everyone who took the Jab had to sign when they were given the COVID-19 "vaccine" or its "boosters."

The batch number tracing is the KEY to proving "proximate cause" in these deaths and adverse events.

Without a clear-cut chain of authority, it's hard to prove intentional fraud in that the patients were not fully informed of the downstream (known) risks of getting Jabbed.

See: https://howbad.info/

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