Hmmmmm….. nope!!! It’s all bullshit!!!

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I’m not saying it’s “true”… I’m warning savvy folks of the next false flag issues coming along.

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I think a lot of the disease and death from the jabs can be traced to a physical formation...

anyone remember those freakish "calamari clots" (that embalmers are STILL seeing)?

well... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/update-what-are-those-strange-white?utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

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One of my readers is a good friend who has a friend who's a second generation undertaker. He called him to directly ask him about these new, excessive clots. Yes, it's true; what the hell is the conspiracy of silence going on here? It's mind-boggling!

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terrifying stuff!

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