
Cat, there’s absolutely a “screw loose” here. If Kate is alive, and I assume she is, it’s hard for me to imagine the Palace insiders would allow a deep fake video to be used. Quite obviously, both Kate and the King are pretty gravely ill with cancer… I strongly suspect it’s pancreatic in nature.

If so, the survival rates are grim at best.

The Royal Family made a big, showy deal out of both taking the Vaxx and supporting its widespread rollout.

What’s puzzling to me is why they’d get a deadly dose instead of the placebo variant??

So… something(s) are definitely out of whack; and the Palace has been obtusely left-footed in its PR campaign.

If the King truly has 18-24 months left to live, I’m certain William and Kate are freaking-out about inheriting the throne well in advance of their expectations.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Yes, something's out of whack, I still don't understand why Princess Kate would be in a video alone without the support of her husband talking about her cancer diagnosis. Another Palace media piece gone wrong? And, yet, Queen Elizabeth took the throne at 27 years old.

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Good point that the Palace insider wouldn't allow a deep fake video, Sam. This comment, from Mark Crispin Miller on his substack about the Royal Family makes sense as to why would the Royal Family get the real deadly jab and not the placebo?: https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrispinmiller/p/looks-like-that-big-club-is-really?r=k721x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

"If we just lump all multibillionaires together, and figure that they’re all in that “big club” because they’re multibillionaires, we must be baffled, if not nettled, by what’s happened to the Windsors. If, on the other hand, we place this “sudden” wave of royal illness in the context of the globalist agenda, it makes a certain sense that they would not have been spared real injections, because the Royal Family is, of course, a wholly British institution, just as all royal families symbolize the history, mythology and customs of their respective nations—and so they arguably have to go, along with all the rest of British culture, in favor of the global order that’s been forced on us increasingly since 2020.

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Having said that, there's ZERO doubt in my mind that the "coincidental" cancers both Charles and Kate are now fighting were both triggered by their somehow being given the REAL Vaxx. The darkness and void of Truth around all this is simply profound.

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We're REALLY getting into 3-D level "chess" moves here with real versus placebo Vaxx shots being given to the Royals. Were I the Prince (now King) I sure as hell would have prepped an injection I personally knew was either a placebo or a vitamin shot (GH3) of some type. The dark agendas loose here are simply mind-bending... All of it Satanic at source. So frustrating.

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Unfortunately, there are numerous deep psychological tactics at play here.

Why some of us could see through them from the beginning is hard to say, but I *do* think there is hope yet for some of the brainwashed... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about

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I'm wondering if the video of Princess Kate is real, it could be AI generated. Why would she be sitting alone on a bench telling the world she has cancer? Where's Willliam? Any spouse would be next to their loved one, holding their hand, supporting her, saying "We're fighting this together". The fact that she is alone on some Park bench is eery.

According to Techpp.com, there are already 15 apps and websites available to the public that are capable of generating deep-fake videos.

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