Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve been suffering from an array of symptoms after 1.) Caring for a sick family member who was vaccinated 2.) Getting Covid myself in May, 3.) A sweaty athletic interation with boosted teammates ... 4.) Sharing an office with 2 “boosted” co-workers.

While the FLCCC’s protocol helped alleviate symptoms the first 3 rounds with the constant daily exposure I’m now getting I’m thinking I need something more. After my trip to the ER last week I really hope this is it.

Thanks again for doing what you do and in the way that you do it!

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Sam, reader Remi is having issues responding to your comment. Here is her suggestion for you:

“Sam needs prophylactic Ivermectin and to double his dose of the protocol. 2x a day, I would say. The FLCCC has pharmacy and prescription recommendations...”

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Thanks. First time reader. Appreciate the passion!

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