Every day the media tells the people hundreds of lies. This disinformation is poring gasoline on the Ukraine conflict. WW3 is upon us if a deal isn't reached very soon. NATO must negotiate fairly and poor water on the enflamed media. I truly believe they are incapable of stepping back & if this is correct, you should see fireworks close to home very soon.

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Shawn, it's too big a backstory to go into here, however, in early Fall of 2015 I was in a National Security briefing at Ft. Carson with a room full of "unmarked" spooks. I was escorting an American who was also a senior Russian diplomat with heavy-duty background in Russian-American affairs. The briefing was all about NATO's Eastern encroachment post World War II. The diplomat made it crystal clear to ALL in the room that Putin considered Ukraine to be the "front porch" to Russia... and that Putin would NEVER accede to Ukraine joining NATO and NATO should stop pressing to incorporate it. It was further made clear if NATO persisted, war would be the outcome. That briefing took place 6 1/2 years ago; I was a personal witness. It's not something I heard about through FOX or CNN. Where are we today? It's sad to say, however, Putin is the rational player here in terms of national security interests. Ukraine has for 100's of years been both tied to and a breadbasket for Mother Russia. The West, America, and NATO are run by a bunch of goddam war-mongering Khazarian Mafia controlled, Neocon shit-asses. And the folks here at home are being set-up for a major false flag incident "on-ramp" for WW III. It's both criminal and demonic. And brought to you by the same folks who were behind the engineered COVID-19 chimeric virus, the Pandemic, and the subsequent Vaxx program. Folks are so friggin' asleep at the switch I could projectile vomit. Not much left to say. I hope you are benefiting from my "buffet line" of curated alternative news pieces.

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Mar 17, 2022Liked by Samuel Robinson Kephart

I agree and have been awake for several years now. I don't understand why most people can't wake up and see the U.S. and Western Europe have been compromised completely. I fear you are right and a false flag will happen very soon. These bio-labs in Ukraine also have me concerned. It feels like we are forced to back a possessed NATO who is obviously building this situation up and will likely bring us and other Countries into War. I've seen video's of what Russian nuclear Subs are capable of and I believe if we go to War, at minimum Western and Eastern United States will be lit up very quickly.

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Either the poll is wrong, or a third of America is crazy.

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