
I’m utterly against Ukraine “joining” NATO.

The only reason these buggers want Ukraine to join NATO is to keep Ukraine’s position open as an ATM for money being laundered for western politicians and leaders.

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So much compromised scum in one photo 🤮🤮

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Let’s get upstream of the practical data regarding nuclear ☢️ bomb 💣 half-life.

The germane issue is WHY we are there at all.

I know you are a long-time reader… have you not read my prior reports on WHY Putin invaded?

I’m happy to supply you with links.

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Do not shoot the messenger, but have a look at the below link. Now I did quite a bit with "British Nuclear Fuels" - BNFL and learnt the half lives and was taught that if a nuclear explosion occurred .. that was dead land for hundreds, thousands of years etc etc. What we call nukes anyway !!!... remember that bit.

SO first off, notice how many films have these scenes of "dead land, killer firlds if you walk in you fry ??"...

But here is the link and maybe you also want to look up who is living now to Sellafield, 3-mile Island, Chernobyl and even Fukushima ... The World is a stage and yes I know how it sounds.


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So much scum in one picture....🤡🌎

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I’m exquisitely clear that at the top this is ALL demon-driven… it’s not just random events or chance.

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💯 Samuel! Keep doing great work! We can all make a difference when we seek truth🙏🌎

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