Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Author

I get it… my goal is to put out a “buffet-line” of non-traditional news and views.

Obviously, as Editor, I curate what’s published in each edition. What resonates with me may not with you or others in any given instance.

However, I view my skills as using articles the way a pointillist creates his or her dots of paint 🎨.

Any individual dot or color may “displease” the eye 👁️ of some beholder.

However, if, taken-in as a whole, the overall picture appears, I will have done my job.

I consider myself a pointillist truth-teller… I hope you find some value here.



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I don't "heart" the issues you addressed in this piece, but I "heart" the way you organized them and put them forth for (hopefully) human consumption>

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