You have two (2) choices: you can be an 'ostrich' or be informed. Which is it? None of us with any offspring can afford to let these evil perpetrations continue. What legacy are we leaving?
something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time:
Is something unclear about my choice of words?
Given the corrupt and immoral shit-asses making decisions at the top levels of the American economy, society, military, and Federal Government… what “legacy” are we leaving the next generation to inherit?
The answer?
A big pile of disastrous and unworkable shit caused intentionally by many of our current so-called goddamnable and thoroughly corrupt leaders.
Is that point somehow lost in the articles I shared?
“immoral shit-asses…” I am Wholeheartedly A-agreeing with you, Sam. ! Apologies for the misunderstanding… The comment Legacy, was a comment on the following interview, (Dr David Martin speaks of the same as Fitts below. … 1960’s whistleblower from cdc to Senate, All Polio Vaccinations were/are toxic biowarfare disease bearing the us gov let them and continues to decades later, manufarctor and administer polio vaccines.) … The “legacy” those in “the us gov” “decades” of “public (goddamable and through-ally corrupt leaders) servants” leading the us/Global (WHO) ——preplanning for Covid, double books, Trillions missing… after Re listening… to the interview, “(Our Legacy) - The Financial Coup d’état Explained” | With former insider Catherine Austin Fitts
Friends? Trillions of dollars missing, decades of Presidents. “The Financial Coup d'état (of U.S. Gov approved by dem, rep and Trump White House - 2 sets of finical books) Explained” | With Catherine Austin Fitts
noun [ C ]
US /ˈleɡ.ə.si/-
something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time:
Is something unclear about my choice of words?
Given the corrupt and immoral shit-asses making decisions at the top levels of the American economy, society, military, and Federal Government… what “legacy” are we leaving the next generation to inherit?
The answer?
A big pile of disastrous and unworkable shit caused intentionally by many of our current so-called goddamnable and thoroughly corrupt leaders.
Is that point somehow lost in the articles I shared?
Need I be more express?
“immoral shit-asses…” I am Wholeheartedly A-agreeing with you, Sam. ! Apologies for the misunderstanding… The comment Legacy, was a comment on the following interview, (Dr David Martin speaks of the same as Fitts below. … 1960’s whistleblower from cdc to Senate, All Polio Vaccinations were/are toxic biowarfare disease bearing the us gov let them and continues to decades later, manufarctor and administer polio vaccines.) … The “legacy” those in “the us gov” “decades” of “public (goddamable and through-ally corrupt leaders) servants” leading the us/Global (WHO) ——preplanning for Covid, double books, Trillions missing… after Re listening… to the interview, “(Our Legacy) - The Financial Coup d’état Explained” | With former insider Catherine Austin Fitts