Friends? Trillions of dollars missing, decades of Presidents. “The Financial Coup d'état (of U.S. Gov approved by dem, rep and Trump White House - 2 sets of finical books) Explained” | With Catherine Austin Fitts https://www.actvism.org/en/the-source/financial-coup-catherine-austin/ https://www.actvism.org/en/the-source/financial-coup-catherine-austin/

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noun [ C ]

US /ˈleɡ.ə.si/-

something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time:

Is something unclear about my choice of words?

Given the corrupt and immoral shit-asses making decisions at the top levels of the American economy, society, military, and Federal Government… what “legacy” are we leaving the next generation to inherit?

The answer?

A big pile of disastrous and unworkable shit caused intentionally by many of our current so-called goddamnable and thoroughly corrupt leaders.

Is that point somehow lost in the articles I shared?

Need I be more express?

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“immoral shit-asses…” I am Wholeheartedly A-agreeing with you, Sam. ! Apologies for the misunderstanding… The comment Legacy, was a comment on the following interview, (Dr David Martin speaks of the same as Fitts below. … 1960’s whistleblower from cdc to Senate, All Polio Vaccinations were/are toxic biowarfare disease bearing the us gov let them and continues to decades later, manufarctor and administer polio vaccines.) … The “legacy” those in “the us gov” “decades” of “public (goddamable and through-ally corrupt leaders) servants” leading the us/Global (WHO) ——preplanning for Covid, double books, Trillions missing… after Re listening… to the interview, “(Our Legacy) - The Financial Coup d’état Explained” | With former insider Catherine Austin Fitts https://www.actvism.org/en/the-source/financial-coup-catherine-austin/ https://www.actvism.org/en/the-source/financial-coup-catherine-austin/

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