
Too big a backstory to get into here, but it involves the Khazarian Mafia, Trump, and Big Pharma.

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Trump gave us those beautiful mRNAs, a bold decision taken by a tough leader. no democrat, but ONLY trump, would ever taken such a decision, they dont have the guts!

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Biden ADMITS: Using Indictment(s) Against Trump "To make sure he does not become President Again.”

Yup we’re still waiting for that warren/911 report, and mr hoover has a library named after him. Nothing new here, mr flynn couldn’t get security clearance. Just what is buried with t rumps 1st x wife on his golf course, warning family members, your mom died of blunt force trauma. And the epst ine, global saga, t rump, Nuba… Bid ens/ob amas Ukraine 2004 lugar nunn. Whatta u$a

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